The advantage of the portfolio network model lies with several factors. The portfolio network model gives a more understandable conceptual framework through the use of visual diagrams of portfolio structure. The ability to visualize a problem not only enhances understanding but allows extension to problems not even imaged previously. Secondly, the network […]
Portfolio Network Components
The portfolio network is made up of lines, or arcs representing the direction of flow and nodes or circles representing portfolio transaction points. There are three kinds of network arcs. Input arcs feed money into the portfolio, output arcs take money out of the portfolio, and investment arcs allow the flow of money within the portfolio through various investments, or liabilities. Each network arc has one arrow showing the direction of monetary […]
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Multipliers in Portfolio Networks
In the portfolio network in the figure above, investment arcs have multipliers that increase or decrease the flow on each arc. This kind of portfolio network with multipliers is called a generalized network. We now have all of the components necessary to model most portfolio situations. Multipliers increase or decrease the flow on an arc. The flow of money on an investment arc is multiplied by a gain or multiplier to increase […]
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